Stock Images Blog

July 5, 2023

Do's and Don'ts in Using Image Stocks In Your Marketing Materials

Do's and Don'ts in Using Image Stocks In Your Marketing Materials

Stock photos can be used by marketers to convey their messages to their audience. Stock photos are licensed images which can be used to communicate a message, so long as they are used according to the licence terms. It can be a challenge to use when marketing your products because of the availability and ease in which they are accessed.

We have put together a dos and donts list for your royalty free stock photography to ensure they are effectively used in your marketing material.

Do: Select High-Quality Images

Your audience's perception of your brand can be greatly influenced by the quality of photos that you choose for your marketing material. Photos of low quality can appear amateurish and unprofessional, but photos with high resolution show your commitment to your brand.

Be sure to choose images with a sharp, high-resolution image. Images that are blurry or pixelated will damage your brand.

Use authentic and relevant photos

Your photos should reflect real people, places and situations that resonate with your target audience. Images that reflect people, situations, or places real to your target audience will resonate better. Authenticity increases trust and builds credibility in your target market.

Choose photos that depict real human emotion and behavior that are relatable to your audience, and make sure that they are relevant to your brand and message. You can use images of healthy people or food to sell a lifestyle.

Photographs that invoke emotions are best used

Emotions play a significant role in marketing, and the images you use can evoke different emotions from your audience. Use photos that capture the essence of your brand and provoke the desired emotional response from your audience.

You can, for example, sell travel packages by using photos of destinations which show their beauty and tranquility. If you sell products for animals, then use images that demonstrate the fun and happiness that comes from owning pets.

DO: Optimize Your Photos for Different Platforms

Different social media platforms have different requirements for image size and resolution. Make sure your images are optimized to each social media platform. This will ensure they look great and receive the best engagement.

If you are choosing images for a platform, make sure they match the required image size. Doing this will ensure that your photos look excellent and professional across all your marketing materials.

DON'T: Use Offensive or Cliched Photos

Stock photos are often used to convey a specific message, and some images can be offensive or negative in nature. Do not use photos with a racially offensive tone, that are explicit or discriminatory. Even if your photos don't upset or shock people, you should still adhere to decency standards.

Cliched imagery can be a sign that you're not creative and don't have enough time to develop original material. Use images that show people shaking hands in suits or looking at computer screens.

DON'T: Overuse Stock Photos

Overusing will make your content unoriginal. It can also diminish the identity of your brand. However, while saves time and costs, a lack of creativity or genuine content will bore your audiences.

In order to demonstrate the authenticity and integrity of your brand, use your own original content. For example, photos of products or illustrations showing your team or customers can be used as an alternative. Combining your original content with the royalty free stock pictures will help to create an authentic brand while also being convenient.

DON'T: Use Inappropriate Images in the Wrong Context

Your images should always match the message you are conveying. Avoid irrelevant or false photos, which don't accurately represent your product or message. By using inappropriate jokes, memes, or images you can offend and ridicule the audience.

Selecting high resolution stock photography is important. They should accurately reflect the message you want to send. Even if they're used in a humorous way, double-check to make sure that it is not offensive, inappropriate or disrespectful.

In conclusion, royalty free stock photos can be an effective and efficient way to spread a marketing message. But it is important that they are used correctly. A properly thought-out usage of is a great way to improve the quality of your materials, and can also help you build a brand. You can make sure that you are creating marketing materials which are authentic, engaging and professional by following these dos and donts.

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